What do I put on a Wiccan Altar?
In these articles I am working through the questions I most commonly get asked about Wiccan practice, either during classes or afterwards...
What do I put on a Wiccan Altar?
Magic runs like a river
When the day does not yet belong to man
The importance of a daily spiritual practice
A Suitcase Full of Boiled Eggs
Forgotten Women: Hatshepsut
Forgotten Women: The Queen of the Night
Forgotten Women - Lilith
Forgotten Women
This Week I am Reading
This Week I Have Been Reading
This Week I am Reading
This week I am reading
This Week I am Reading 'The Ship' by Antonia Honeywell
The Meaning of Home: Connecting to the Land in Disparate Places
Kenneth Grahame - The Missing Nature Mystic
Vie Medicatrix Naturae
Going with the Flow
A Week of Mindfulness and Thoughts on Value Judgments
Me and Mr. Tolkien